Careers and IT Vacancies at BCS

Every day, it’s our mission to stay on top as the go-to IT services company in Kent.

The best of the very best. That’s where you come in.

Current Vacancies

The BCS family is growing. And we’re always looking for talented people to work with us at our Ramsgate HQ. When they come up, our IT vacancies cover different aspects of the BCS business. These are Account Management, Marketing, Remote Support, Professional Services and Finance.

We also have an apprenticeship scheme which offers training from BCS experts in various areas across the organisation.

Thank you for your interest in joining our team. While there are currently no open positions available, we encourage you to stay tuned!

Our team is continuously growing and evolving to meet the demands of our dynamic industry. Be sure to check back regularly for future opportunities to join our dedicated team.

The Culture at BCS

At BCS, our work ethic and environment is caring, focused and fun. We’re employee owned, so it really is our people who make us. It means all staff are empowered and encouraged to share, learn every day, and to grow. This is no dull office environment. Located five minutes from Ramsgate train station on the Kent coast, we’re also just a few minutes from the famous beach of Ramsgate Main Sands.

Our staff area has a pool table, arcade machine and a widescreen television to use during break and lunch times. We want everyone in the BCS family to get the right work/life balance. We do this by offering continued support, regular team meetings and appraisals, along with paid time for training and volunteering.

It’s just the start of the benefits all employees enjoy when joining the team.

“Business Computer Solutions are delighted to have been accredited with the Good Business Charter. We as a company pride ourselves on going the extra mile, so to have this recognised by the GBC is wonderful. We provide first class IT support to businesses in Kent, and it is with pleasure that we can assure our customers, suppliers and of course our brilliant team that we have their best interests at heart.”

Benefits & Perks

Company Owner Icon

Become an owner

BCS is a 100% employee-owned organisation, and you’ll be part of it as soon as you pass your probationary period.

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Holiday package

Every BCS employee is entitled to 20 days of paid annual leave each year plus Bank Holidays.

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Get paid to learn

Expect 90 hours of in-house training each year, so you will always be growing and up-to-date within the industry.

Social Icon

Get social

Let your hair down with our fun social events four times a year.

Family Icon

Family flexible

Never miss a school show with our flexible arrangements for family-related commitments.

Giving Icon

Give back

Up to 5 extra days off are available every year, for BCS employees to volunteer their time to chosen community service projects.

Free Lunch Icon

Lunch on us

Once a month, enjoy lunch paid for by the company.

Free Fruit Icon

5 a day

Stay healthy with free fresh fruit for all employees.

Kent’s Finest IT Team

Work with us, and you’ll take your place among the finest IT professionals in Kent. Visit our about us page to find out more about the BCS family.

Ready to become one of the BCS team?

Rather than keep an ongoing list of vacancies here, it’s easier if you show us what you’ve got. Our recruitment follows a simple five-step process. And it all begins by sending your CV to

Include a short note telling us which area of the business you’re interested in. Or if you want to apply for our apprenticeship scheme, tell us what you’d like to achieve at BCS, and why. After that, we’ll be in touch.

Woman smiling with folded arms

Our 5 Step Recruitment Process

CV Icon


Email your CV and introduce yourself.

CV Review Icon


We carefully review all applications for a variety of criteria.

Interview Icon


If we think you fit a current vacancy, you’ll be invited to an interview.

Work Trial Icon

Trial Day

Aced the interview? Now join us for a day working with the BCS team.

Job Offer Icon

Job Offer!

Ta-dah! You’ve done it, welcome to the BCS family.