Do You Know How Secure Your Email Security Actually Is?
Cyber threats are on the increase. Falling victim can result in losses in revenue. With most threats originating via email, and the sophistication of these threats ever evolving, email security is more critical than ever.
BCS have put together an easy to follow guide, and related articles, to help owners and managers understand email security and choose the best solution for their business.

Just ‘how secure’ is standard email security? Understand the common vulnerabilities, the risks to your business, and how to combat them.
Infographic: Email Security Explained
Effective Email Security relies on three pillars. Preventing malicious emails ever making it into company inboxes. Training your team on the risks and best practises when opening email. Correctly backing-up emails for compliance, and access, if something does goes wrong.
Business owners are often surprised to find that the standard security, that comes from email or domain providers, is often not that secure. In stark contrast advanced systems are designed for the purpose and fully integrated.
Our infographic explains the differences and compares feature sets.
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Would You Like To Know How Many Threats Are Already In Your System?
As part of our extensive BCS Security Audit, we will deep scan your email server to identify active and dormant threats contained in emails & attachments. We also undertake a unique scan of known dark web threats too. So if you’ve been involved in a data breach, we’ll be able to tell you.